The genuine Speidel barrel has proved its worth above all in the transport of AHL crop protection agents and water and should not be missing in any municipality or agricultural enterprise.
Multi-use barrels
Speidel’s storage tank is solid and weather-proof. Thanks to its very thick walls the tank is extremely robust and offers multiple uses.
Storage tanks
Speidel’s transportation barrel is ideal for the transportation of liquids like must, wine, juice, water, cooking oil etc.
Transportation barrel
Speidel’s storage tank is suited for the temporary and long term storage as well as for the fermentation of must, wine, juice, water, cooking oil etc.
Storage barrels
For the storage of fruit mash and grain mash: Speidel’s mash barrel reinterprets the well-tried dipping edge technique.
Mash barrels
The beverage containers are not only used for water, juice and cider, but can also be used in many different ways.
Beverage containers
The RTMO is resistant against almost all chemicals, even against the components of silage effluents and their reaction and decomposition products.
Recuperation tank
No matter whether you want to collect freshly harvested pears or old, dirty socks: Speidel’s all-purpose tub lives up to its name.
All-purpose tubs
When grapes and other fruits need to be transported gently, Speidel’s tilting tub is indispensable.
Tilting tubs
Speidel’s grit containers are made of UV-resistant and recyclable polyethylene. Particularly thick walls for perfect stability.
Grit containers